Sunday Meditation

​In-person and on Zoom
Every Sunday 9am - 10am

Our goal is to provide meditation opportunities that allow you to cultivate inner peace and inspire connection to Divine Source.

Our Meditation Leaders

Rev. Don Chatfield, Ph.D.

Lead Pastor

Interfaith minister Rev. Don Chatfield has been teaching meditation for 20 years and enjoys helping others to enjoy the benefits of contemplation. Don teaches how to realize health, mental, and spiritual benefits from a regular meditation practice.  Over the years he has studied with meditation teachers to learn Buddhist, Sufi, Hindu, Christian, Celtic and Native styles of contemplation.


Rev. Barbara Benton


Barbara weaves poetry, music, and short personal reflections on the natural world or life in general into her Meditation Services to encourage a deeper inner experience of the present moment and a flowering into the possibility of how we can change the world to make it a better place for all beings.

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John Howe

Meditation Leader

John came to his meditation practice late in life. After a half century of wandering attention and pursuing happiness in transient things John found a degree of inner calmness in daily meditation. Attending the Sunday Morning Mediation at All Souls became the foundation for building and sustaining his practice.


Rev. Kim Marie Glynn

Minister of Service Coordination

Kim Marie encourages self exploration and believes meditation is a way to find and tap into our own deep inner soul wisdom which will lead the way.

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Rev. Michael Muzzy


Michael’s spirituality is Advaitic in nature drawing on the mystical teachings of enlightened beings from all faith traditions and times. Michael believes that meditation allows us to practice control of our attention in order to strengthen our ability to commune directly with God.

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Doug Stern

Meditation Leader

Coming from a Buddhist and Yogic background in meditation, Doug believes strongly in daily practice as a means to maintain a healthy relationship with our mind and spirit. Using simple techniques to quiet our inner dialogue and land deeper into Now, Doug’s style balances gentle guiding with periods of prolonged silence.  His goal is to assist us all in living with peace and mindfulness.

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Maris Rose

Meditation Leader

Maris practices an open heart meditation. She finds the open heart to be a place of deep connection to our divine source.  In our shared morning meditation, Maris shares reflections, readings, and heart centered breathing to facilitate that connection.